The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Registry has earned a perfect rating in the International Chamber of Shipping’s (ICS’s) annual ‘Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table’ for 2018/2019.
The report provides an overview of the performance of each of the world’s flag States against 19 performance indicators. These indicators relate to port State control (PSC) performance, ratification of international conventions, attendance at International Maritime Organization (IMO) meetings, as well as, fleet age, and reporting.
According to the ICS, the purpose of the report is to provide shipowners with an overview of flag performance and to encourage owners to put pressure on their flag administrations to affect any improvements that might be necessary.
The RMI Registry is the only one of the top three registries to achieve a positive score in every category. Of the top three largest registries, the RMI Registry is also the only flag State administration to have earned the United States Coast Guard’s QUALSHIP 21 status.
Commenting on the results, IRI Director, Marketing & Communications, and Operations Technology Officer, Laura Sherman said: “As an independent authority, the International Chamber of Shipping’s annual review of flag States is a reliable and objective indicator of service performance. Achieving positive results in every single category for another successive year is proof that the RMI Registry is committed to providing the highest quality service and support.”
International Registries, Inc. and its affiliates (IRI) provide administrative and technical support to the RMI Registry.
To view the report, click here.