- General Information
- Vessel Registration
- Mortgage Recordation
- International Participation
- MLC, 2006
- Nairobi International Convention, 2007
- Security & Safety
- Investigations
- Ship Radio Licensing
- Vessel Document Verification
- Technical Support
- Tonnage Tax Calculator
- Pay Fees
- Update Billing Information
- Forms & Publications
- FAQs
The RMI Registry is responsible for ensuring the implementation of applicable RMI national maritime laws and IMO codes and conventions to the fullest extent practicable on RMI flagged vessels. Such application is carried out within the guidelines provided by the RMI Maritime Administrator (the “Administrator”) through the MI-300, Combined Publications Folder. For a copy of the MI-300, contact any IRI office.
Technical Support:
- Review and recommend conventions and resolutions for adoption by the Administrator
- Develop national regulations and interpretations of convention requirements
- Provide expertise on technical matters, such as those relating to naval architecture and marine engineering
- Evaluate requests for exemptions, equivalences, dispensations, and survey extensions
- Assess noxious substances in conjunction with evaluating Tripartite Agreements
- Maintain liaison with, and oversight of, Classification Societies and other Recognized Organizations
- Prepare and issue Multiple Load Line Assignment Books
- Monitor and participate in technical discussions at the IMO
- Provide support on PSC matters and during casualty investigations
- Carry out technical vetting of vessels seeking registration with the RMI
- Promulgate Marine Notices and Technical Circulars
Global technical support is available 24/7 through a network of local offices in the following three geographical divisions:
- Region I – encompassing the Far East and Australia
- Region II
- Region IIA – North Europe, Baltic, and Central/South Africa
- Region IIB – Mediterranean, Black Sea, and North Africa
- Region IIC – United Arab Emirates and Indian Subcontinent
- Region III – encompassing North and South America
For assistance regarding all technical inquiries, contact
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