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Minimum Safe Manning Certificates (MSMCs)
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) and the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) require the issuance of an MSMC.
Prior to registration, the owner or operator must propose their minimum safe manning by submitting one of the following completed forms:
- MI-336, RMI Application for Minimum Safe Manning Certificate – for conventional vessels;
- MI-336MOU, RMI Application for Minimum Safe Manning Certificate Mobile Offshore Unit (MOU)/Oil Storage Vessel – for MOUs; or
- MI-336Y, RMI Application for Minimum Safe Manning Certificate – Yacht – for yachts.
The seafarers department will review the proposal to ensure it follows MN 7-038-2, Minimum Safe Manning Requirements for Vessels. Each vessel is considered by type, size, power, trade, and level of automation, at a minimum. IMO Resolution A.1047(27), Principles of Minimum Safe Manning and MSC.1/Circ.1598, Guidelines on Fatigue will also be used in the review process.
Once the manning level is approved, an electronic MSMC will be issued by the registration office. Requests for amendments and subsequent re-issue may be submitted using the same process, should any conditions change.
Each RMI registered vessel must have the prescribed complement of officers and qualified ratings as specified by the vessel’s MSMC. The vessel’s manning is verified for compliance with the MSMC during the vessel’s annual inspection.
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