General Information
The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) allows, through its national legislation and the RMI Yacht Code 2021, as amended (“MI-103” or the “Code”), the registration of private yachts, private yachts limited charter, commercial yachts, and passenger yachts. It also allows for RMI flagged private yachts to charter in French and Monégasque waters without the need for commercial registration by requesting a Temporary Certificate of Registry for Yacht Engaged in Trade.
Yacht owners can choose the home port of either Bikini or Jaluit. Two yachts may share a common name as long as they are registered in different home ports.
Like commercial vessels, ownership of yachts registered in the RMI must be through an RMI corporation, limited or general partnership, limited liability company, or a qualified foreign maritime entity.
Registration & Operation Types Overview

For page numbers referenced in graphic above, please see the Yacht Brochure.

- Innovative MI-103 which provides a practical approach in construction and commercial operations, while ensuring compliance with international regulations.
- The RMI has been included on the USCG’s QUALSHIP 21 roster for the 20th consecutive year and continues to be included on the White Lists of both the Paris and Tokyo Memorandums of Understanding.
- Regular development and launch of new initiatives to meet the demands of the yachting industry.
- Dedicated team of yacht technical and marine safety specialists.
- With an assigned permanent representative at the IMO, the RMI participates in all major committee and subcommittee meetings.
- The RMI is an active member of the ILO and was one of the first flag States to ratify the MLC, 2006.
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