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All ocean-going vessels engaged in international commerce must have a country of registry to operate in international waters. In the modern shipping industry, one of the most important duties for a responsible flag State is to actively participate in the work of international standards setting bodies, including the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO).
With a large and diverse fleet, the RMI Maritime Administrator (the “Administrator”) is in a unique position to bring a considerable depth of expertise to the table on many pertinent agendas under discussion. Having an active and effective delegation at the IMO and ILO allows for a broad range of stakeholders to be represented and heard when developing frameworks that will have an impact on industry.
Effective participation in the international regulatory arena at the IMO and ILO, coupled with a well-established maritime infrastructure, provides the Administrator the means to implement and enforce international and national shipping laws and regulations in an informed and practical manner.
IMO Participation
The IMO is the United Nations (UN) specialized agency with oversight over international shipping and maritime affairs. The uniquely global qualities of the maritime industry have conferred a special role on the IMO, whose chief task has been to provide international means to promote safety at sea and protection of the marine environment through the development of comprehensive regulatory frameworks. Its mission today includes safety, environmental concerns, legal matters, technical cooperation, maritime security, and the efficiency of shipping.
The RMI delegation to the IMO is augmented by professional staff from IRI offices who contribute to the discussion of issues effecting safety, security, and environmental protection through their shipping knowledge and subject matter expertise. The RMI delegation’s expertise allows it to actively and effectively participate in the numerous IMO working groups, committee, and sub-committee meetings which take place throughout the year. IMO meeting summaries and schedule can be found here.
ILO Participation
The ILO is the UN agency responsible for drawing up and overseeing international labor standards. Working with its Member States, the ILO is devoted to advancing employment opportunities for all workers. It aims to promote rights at work, encourage job-related security, and enhance better living standards to the people of both poor and rich countries. The ILO is the world’s only tripartite multilateral agency in that it brings together representatives of governments, employers, and workers to jointly shape policies and programs. It formulates international labor standards in the form of conventions and recommendations addressing basic labor rights: freedom of association, the right to organize, collective bargaining, abolition of forced labor, equality of opportunity and treatment, and other work-related issues. ILO meeting summaries and schedule can be found here.
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