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International regulations require all ship and vessel radio transmitting stations to have a license issued by the government of the country of registry. The RMI Maritime Administrator (the “Administrator”) is responsible for issuing RMI ship and vessel radio station licenses based upon the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), International Telecommunications Union (ITU), and the statutes of the RMI.
Temporary Radio License (TA)
When a vessel registers with the RMI Registry, it is issued a TA valid for 90 days. During this period, the vessel’s representative must submit an application listing information necessary to determine if the vessel is properly equipped to be licensed.
The MI-104, RMI Application for Ship Radio Station License and MI-104Y, Application for Yacht Radio Station License are available in our Library. Completed and signed applications can be mailed, faxed, or sent electronically to
Radio Accounting Authority
RMI vessels are required to have a contract with a radio company that is responsible for the ship’s communications accounts, called the Accounting Authority. Contact to obtain a listing of approved radio Accounting Authorities.
Full-Term Radio License
Full-term licenses are issued for a period of four years for both conventionally-equipped and Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) equipped vessels.
Exemption Certificate
A vessel may be issued dispensation in the form of an Exemption Certificate from a particular requirement of SOLAS. The ship’s representative must prove, to the satisfaction of the Administrator, that the lack of a particular piece of equipment or dispensation from a particular watchstanding function will not endanger the vessel or other vessels with whom it will come in contact.
In response to requests from shipowners and operators, we are providing the RMI and ITU list of radio documents required by international agreement to be carried on board RMI flagged vessels in addition to the Ship Radio Station License, Certificates of Competence of the radio operator (or operators), and Radio Log. These requirements apply to all RMI flagged vessels equipped with ship radio stations.
Required Documents for Ship Radio Stations
The most recent versions of the ITU Maritime Service Publications are to be carried on board ships for which a GMDSS installation is required by international agreement.
Ship stations for which GMDSS installation is required by international agreement:
- Ship Radio Station License as prescribed under ITU Article 18
- Certificate of the operator (or operators)
- Radio communication log (record of distress, urgent, safety, and routine communication as they occur with the time of occurrence)
- List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (ITU List IV) in either printed or electronic format
- List of Ship Station and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments (ITU List V) in either printed or electronic format
- Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services in either printed or electronic format
Other ship stations for which a radio installation is required by regional or international agreement:
- Ship Radio Station License as prescribed under ITU Article 18
- Certificate of the operator (or operators)
- Radio communication log (record of distress, urgent, safety, and routine communication as they occur with the time of occurrence)
- List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (ITU List IV) in either printed or electronic format
- Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile & Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services in either printed or electronic format
Other ship stations:
- Ship Radio Station License as prescribed under ITU Article 18
- Certificate of the operator (or operators)
- List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (ITU List IV) in either printed or electronic format
- Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile & Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services in either printed or electronic format
Maintenance Agreements
It is required for vessels with a shore-based maintenance agreement to have a copy of the agreement on board.
Where to Obtain Publications
ITU publications may be purchased directly from:
The General Secretariat
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
1211 Geneva 20
Tel: +41 22 730 5111
Fax: +41 22 733 7256
Fee Schedule
For a detailed listing of maritime fees, see the Fee Schedule or Marine Notice 1-005-1, Consolidated Fees and Charges List for Official Documents and Services.
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