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- Vessel Registration
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- International Participation
- MLC, 2006
- Nairobi International Convention, 2007
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Classification and Statutory Survey and Certification
The RMI Registry has mandatory classification and statutory survey and certification requirements. Surveys are conducted by Classification Societies (Class) which are recognized by the RMI Maritime Administrator (the “Administrator”) as being in full compliance with IMO Assembly Resolution A.739(18) for appointment as Recognized Organizations (ROs) and Recognized Security Organizations (RSOs). These Class Societies issue statutory certificates based on internationally accepted standards.
International Safety Management (ISM) Code
The RMI Registry has the responsibility of ensuring vessel and company compliance with the ISM Code. Our technical staff includes ISM trained and certified lead auditors. Compliance with the ISM Code is accomplished through:
- Interaction with the RO
- Active investigation of casualties, port/flag State detentions, among others, as indicators of noncompliance with the ISM Code
- Review of corrective actions taken by companies in response to RO audits
International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
The RMI Registry also has the responsibility of ensuring vessel and company compliance with the ISPS Code. Counted among the Registry’s staff are ISPS Code trained and certified assessors. Compliance with the Code is accomplished through:
- Interaction with the RSOs
- Active investigation of security breaches, port/flag State security detentions, and security incidents as possible indications of noncompliance with the ISPS Code
- Review of Corrective Actions taken by companies in response to RSO audits
Vessel Inspection Program
Nautical Inspectors, located worldwide, conduct mandatory Annual Safety Inspections (ASIs) directly for the Administrator. The purpose of the ASIs include:
- Verifying that the vessel is being maintained in general compliance with international conventions and flag State national rules and regulations
- Providing direct information to the Administrator on the condition of vessels
- Providing direct information to the Administrator on the vessel’s compliance with operational requirements, crew certification, and training
- Providing feedback to owners and operators that will help them avoid problems and unnecessary delays by port States
The Administrator employs full-time inspectors in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North and South America to perform ASIs, conduct training and oversight of the contracted Nautical Inspectors, and to conduct special inspections.
In order to better provide post-registration services to clients, IRI has established three divisions based on geographical areas around the world:
- Region I, encompassing the Far East and Australia
- Region II, encompassing Northern Europe and Baltic; Mediterranean, Black Sea, and Africa; UAE and Indian Subcontinent
- Region III, encompassing North and South America
For additional assistance regarding marine safety issues, contact
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