The Corporate Services Group (CSG) held its annual meeting in Athens in January 2025. Modeled off the Maritime Services Group (MSG), the CSG is a cooperative group of corporate team members from across the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Registry’s 28 worldwide offices as well as key departments that support or work in tandem with the RMI Corporate Registry. The group meets annually to discuss Registry updates, compliance and reporting changes, initiatives, best practices, and to discuss trends, market conditions, and more. The January meeting included both virtual and in-person participation.
Denise Francis, Senior Vice President, Corporate welcomed participants before key senior leaders provided updates on The Trust Company of the Marshall Islands, Inc. (TCMI), Legal and Trade Compliance, and internal trends. President Bill Gallagher and Chief Commercial Officer/Managing Director- Piraeus Office Theo Xenakoudis presented a session on Best Practices in the Face of Global Pressure. Guest Speaker Maria Gkoutskiou, Partner, Major & Grove International Law Firm presented ‘Business Beyond Borders: Company Formation and Obligations in Key Jurisdictions’.
Team members from Dubai, Fort Lauderdale, Piraeus, Hamburg, Houston, Istanbul, London, Long Beach, Majuro, Reston, Shanghai, Singapore, and Zurich were present. Since the CSG formalized in 2019, the annual meetings have resulted in a strengthening of internal processes and procedures, as well as the enhancement of a ‘One Team’ culture to support client service worldwide.