Protecting Vessels and Crew in A Fluctuating World – A View from Asia
At the outset of the pandemic, as global travel restrictions prevented seafarers, port workers, and nautical inspectors from transiting borders to board vessels, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Registry quickly recognized the need for flexibility Continue reading...
Remote Inspections - A Catalyst for Change
Since the first remote vessel inspection was conducted on 25 March, the Registry’s fleet operations team has completed more than 630 remote inspections worldwide. The use of remote inspections has been a resounding success. While it has been possible Continue reading...
IMO Announces Updated Program
Unable to hold physical meetings since March, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council has adopted a priority list for upcoming meetings to resume its work virtually in light of COVID-19 restrictions on key agenda items. The list gives priority Continue reading...
RMI Nominates Tom Heinan to IOPC Funds’ Audit Body
The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) nominated IRI’s recently retired Senior Vice President, Maritime Administration, Thomas Heinan to sit on the International Oil Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Funds’ Audit Body. The IOPC Fund provides financial Continue reading...
Updates to the Yacht Code Underway
Work is currently underway to update and amend the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Yacht Code (the “Code”). Taking input from across the Registry’s global specialist teams, as well as external experts, a revised version is expected to be Continue reading...
Remote Inspections
Despite global COVID-19 restrictions, the RMI flagged fleet is active and busy bringing goods, fuel, and equipment around the world. In the video clip below, Brian Poskaitis, Senior Vice President, Fleet Operations reviews a portion of the Critical Items Continue reading...
IRI participates in crew training
The Olympic Vision Maritime Company hosted a seminar and forum for officers in Vladivostok, Russia, on 6 December. More than 40 frontline shipboard and shoreside personnel attended the forum and crew training event, including senior officers, engineers, Continue reading...
Maritime Casualty Investigations Seminar in Piraeus Draws Hundreds of Maritime and Corporate Professionals International Registries, Inc. (IRI) hosted a prestigious panel discussion at the Piraeus Marine Club in Piraeus, Greece on 6 December, with nearly 200 attendees hearing presentations on marine casualty investigations on the Continue reading...
Distinguished Panel Discusses Marine Casualty Investigations Following the MIQC Meeting in London
The Marshall Islands Quality Council (MIQC), an independent, consultative body consisting of diverse industry experts, met in London on 4 December. Continue reading...
Mumbai Office Hosts Nautical Inspector Seminar
Nautical inspectors from across the Indian sub-continent attended the Nautical Inspectors’ Seminar in Mumbai on 18 October 2019.. The seminar provided inspectors with an opportunity to receive updates on the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Continue reading...