The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Registry hosted its Appointed Representatives (AR) and Aviation Inspection Bodies (AIBs) annual meeting and training event in person in the Netherlands this week. Discussion topics included regulatory matters, policy decisions, technical and fleet overviews, processes, and future legislation. International Registries, Inc.’s and its affiliates (IRI’s) yacht and regulatory team members from Geneva, Roosendaal, Fort Lauderdale, and Reston presented at the two-day meeting, which also included interactive training and an introduction to the AIBs.
“These meetings are important as we set goals and expectations for the Yacht Registry, they keep everyone on the same page, allow for discussion of topics and concerns, and most importantly, enhance the services we offer to our clients,” said Marc Verburg, Fleet Operations Manager – Yachts.
All RMI flagged yachts used for commercial purposes are required to have their helicopter landing areas (HLAs) inspected and certified every 24 months by an authorized AIB. The certification process includes certifying the physical HLA as well as crew readiness. In November 2021, Maritime Aviation joined Squadron Yacht Helidecks and HeliOperations as the third AIB authorized by the RMI Maritime Administrator (the “Administrator”) to certify HLA aboard RMI flagged yachts in accordance with the RMI Yacht Code 2021. In August of this year, Squadron Yacht Helidecks Ltd. merged with accredited AIB Safeguard Helidecks. Effective 1 September, the AIB agreement with the Administrator was amended to reflect the new company name.
“Our objective is to provide quality oversight of the RMI Yacht Registry to maximize the layers of safety for passengers and crew,” said Patrick Bachofner, Director, Geneva Office and Worldwide Director, Yachts. “An important safety layer are the ARs and authorized AIBs, who are experts in their particular areas and work alongside the Registry, owners, and stakeholders.”
The RMI Yacht Code was updated in 2021 to meet the needs of the innovative and dynamic yacht market while maintaining safe vessel operation.
“The updates the Administrator made to the yacht code in 2021 were quickly incorporated into the build process at shipyards. With so much demand for newbuilds and conversions, it is important that we maintain active and two-way communication with our partners and stakeholders,” said Marc. “Meeting together, in the same room, allowed us to discuss concerns, train together, and collaboratively brainstorm ideas for how we can continue to enhance safety and the client experience,” he continued.
“We are an accessible Yacht Team to our owners and operators, and to our ARs and AIBs,” said Patrick. “Building relationships on trust, mutual understanding, and a common focus enhances the solutions, support, and service we can bring to our clients,” he concluded.