Diego Ramírez

General Manager

Diego Ramírez was promoted to General Manager of IRI's Ft. Lauderdale office in July 2013. Mr. Ramírez’s service with IRI dates back to 2001 when he was a consultant based in Colombia. In 2003, he transferred to IRI’s Ft. Lauderdale office as Manager of Corporate Development. After seven years in the Ft. Lauderdale office, he transferred to Denmark and worked as a consultant, participating on RMI delegations at the IMO and the United Nations Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia. Prior to joining IRI, Mr. Ramírez held the position of Senior Associate with Brigard & Urrutia Abogados; was the General Registrar and Legal Risk Manager with Grupo TMM- Columbia (TMM Group); and the Risk Manager with Transportación Maritíma Grancolombiana S.A. (TMG).  Mr. Ramírez earned his Law Degree at the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Bogatà, Columbia and his Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the University College London. He was awarded the LL.M degree with “Merit” from the University of London and the Chevening Award from the British Government through the British Council in Columbia. He is fluent in Spanish as well as English.