Nautical inspectors from across the Indian sub-continent attended the Nautical Inspectors’ Seminar in Mumbai on 18 October 2019.. The seminar provided inspectors with an opportunity to receive updates on the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) fleet, as well as to discuss Paris Memorandum of Understanding results, port State control perspectives, and to discuss the important role nautical inspectors play in maintaining fleet quality. The seminar also featured a role play skill building exercise.

Captain Sanjay Maini, Country Head, IRI Mumbai, welcomed attendees to the seminar, which featured presentations from John Ramage, Chief Operating Officer, IRI London; Hans Krijger, Fleet Operations Manager, IRI Roosendaal; S. Barik, Chief Surveyor cum Addl DG,(Engineering), Government of India; Vikrant Rai , Engineer & Ship Surveyor cum Deputy Director General (Tech), Government of India; and R. Vinod Kumar, Deputy Fleet Operations Manager, IRI Mumbai. The presenters also participated in an open forum question and answer session. Critical topics included 2020 Low Sulphur Fuel and Ballast Water Management Convention compliance verification, flag State inspection issues, enclosed space entry, and more.
Attendees and delegates from the industry, including senior management of several shipping companies, attended a cocktail and dinner reception following the seminar.

Nautical inspector seminars are regularly conducted to ensure those conducting inspections on RMI-flagged vessels are properly updated on RMI and PSC requirements. In January and June 2019, the Fort Lauderdale office hosted Nautical Inspector Seminars.