Changes across the maritime industry have resulted in an increasingly complex operating environment. To help stay abreast of changes, discuss opportunities and challenges, and provide a platform for information sharing and innovative thinking, four seminars were hosted in late spring and early summer 2024. Held in Mumbai, Manila, Roosendaal, and Baltimore/Annapolis, these regional seminars showcased the ‘one team’ mentality within the organization, where resources across the globe are expected to provide the highest level of customer service and technical support.
The Mumbai Filing Agents Seminar, held in late May 2024 included participants from across Asia and focused on administrative and operational discussions related to documentation and assessments. Captain Sanjay Maini, Country Head-India opened the meeting, which included presentations from Seafarers’ Documentation, Seafarers’ Manning & Training, and Seafarers’ Services. The seminar also included a lengthy question and answer session, allowing filing agents the chance to discuss recent trends, challenges, and opportunities they see in their local areas. With more than 2,000 filing agents approved to receive and file seafarer applications, this seminar is an example of the value the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Registry places on quality control, open communication, and consistency across its network.
The Manila office hosted a three-day Investigations and Nautical Inspector Seminar in late May 2024. International Registries, Inc. and its affiliates (IRI), which provide administrative and technical support to the RMI Registry, brought together nautical inspectors and investigation resources from across Asia. This seminar included presentations from IRI’s fleet operations, fleet quality and compliance, seafarers’ services, and investigations departments. Sascha Dyker, Fleet Operations Manager based in Asia, included several discussion topics to facilitate information sharing and to create opportunities for discussing challenges, improvements, and strategic solutions. The seminar offered participants an opportunity to meet and connect with key personnel from across Asia and the Americas, to better understand the cooperation between the 28 worldwide offices and departments. The final day of the seminar included in-depth technical discussions, presentations, and observations from the Investigations team.
In early June 2024, IRI’s Roosendaal office also hosted a Nautical Inspector Seminar to support inspectors and resources located in Europe and North Africa. Jan-Rinze Haveman, Fleet Operations Manager (Roosendaal) opened the seminar with an overview of fleet statistics and an update on port State control trends, specifically focused on the Paris Memorandum of Understanding. The seminar included sessions on pilot boarding safety, digital resources for inspectors, as well as updates on Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN), deficiencies and observations, and discussions on evaluations, quality reporting, and more. Participants also reviewed recent headline-making incidents in the maritime industry, including a discussion of the situation, evaluation processes, and any future implications that may impact RMI-flagged vessels.
In August 2024, Brian Poskaitis, Senior Vice President, Fleet Operations hosted a global fleet operations seminar in Annapolis, Maryland. Regional managers and nautical inspectors from across IRI’s 28 worldwide offices gathered for the two-day training seminar. Steve Garcia, Senior LNG/LPG Specialist conducted an in-depth training on low flashpoint fuels / gas-as-fuel. The second day concentrated on global operations and the three strategic objectives of the fleet operations team: quality, compliance, and value. Bill Gallagher, President of IRI, stressed to the global team the importance of “keeping the ships moving while understanding the value of safety and operational readiness, which allows us to assist owners and operators of the RMI-flagged fleet with navigating the complexities of the current regulatory requirements.” Brian highlighted the importance of the seminar’s role play and scenario simulations, which enhance the understanding and awareness of what owners, operators, and crew navigate on a daily basis.
These seminars are conducted to support open communication with stakeholders and enhance engagement across departments. Hosted by various offices, these seminars offer local and regional participants global expertise and perspective, as well as the opportunity to share their personal experiences and local/regional trends.